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Women’s March Underway in D.C.: ‘Trump Is an Unstable Penis’


The anti-Trump Women’s March is underway in D.C. and in cities across the nation Saturday, as self-described feminists gather to protest both President Trump and his Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“We’re holding socially distant actions across the country to send an unmistakable message about the fierce opposition to Trump and his agenda, including his attempt to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat,” the Women’s March said in its official call to action.

NOW: Women's March returns to D.C. with 17 days to go before election… — Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 17, 2020

A collection of anti-Trump signs have been spotted across the nation’s capital, including a lewd banner reading, “Trump is an unstable penis”:

Been here for 10 minutes and spotted a "Trump is an unstable penis" sign at the Women's March rally — Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) October 17, 2020

Signs reading, “Dump Trump and his gang of Putin,” “Free Melania,” “My favorite season is the FALL of the patriarchy,” and “Keep your rosaries off my ovaries” were also spotted in the crowds:

Women’s rights activists gathering in DC, cities around the country for a march in opposition to Trump and his Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Much smaller crowd than the Women’s March in 2017 – but then again, there’s a pandemic. — Sarah McCammon📻 (@sarahmccammon) October 17, 2020

Baby trump balloon goes flying in the wind ☁️☁️☁️ #WomensMarch2020 — Rebecca Tan (@rebtanhs) October 17, 2020

This family came from Boston to attend the Supreme Court protests as well as today’s @womensmarch. Their mother says this is her daughter’s third #WomensMarch and her son’s second. #WomensMarch2020 @wusa9 #RBG #johnlewis — Kolbie Satterfield (@KolbieReports) October 17, 2020

Join us in DC for the women’s march RIGHT NOW. Look for the handmaids @ freedom plaza, put on a costume (we have plenty) & join up w the #RefuseFascism contingent! #WomensMarch2020 #WomensMarch — Trump/Pence OUT NOW (@RefuseFascism) October 17, 2020

Crowd gathered at Freedom Plaza is predominantly white, markedly different from the diversity of the Floyd protests that happened across the city this summer. But Black women are here. #WomensMarch2020 — Rebecca Tan (@rebtanhs) October 17, 2020

The Women’s March is hosting rallies in DC, around the country today in opposition to President Trump and the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. — Sarah McCammon📻 (@sarahmccammon) October 17, 2020

Woman pretending to be "Melania Trump" at the #womensmarch — Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) October 17, 2020

Similar scenes could be seen in cities across the nation:

We’re at the @womensmarch in Brooklyn. Come find us at Grand Army Plaza in from of the Brooklyn Public Library—stepping off soon! #CountOnUs #Persist #WomensMarch — Persist Brooklyn 🗽💙🇺🇸 #SCOTUS (@PersistBrooklyn) October 17, 2020

Hundreds gathered at Washington Square Park in NYC for the Women’s March…and with their voices and signs marched to Wall Street..fighting for women’s rights and equality. #WomensMarch #WomensMarch2020 #womensmarchnyc #WashingtonSquarePark @PIX11News — jennbisramtv (@jennbisramtv) October 17, 2020

In addition to posters there’s also quite a few people dressed up in costume at the @womensmarch #WomensMarch2020 #WomensMarch @wusa9 — Kolbie Satterfield (@KolbieReports) October 17, 2020

Equal pay, reproductive rights, SCOTUS nominee center stage at #WomensMarch2020 Harrisburg — Ivey DeJesus (@iveydejesus) October 17, 2020

“No confirmation, ‘til inauguration!” Demonstrators are speaking out against the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett and want to encourage people to vote. The plan is to march to City Hall. #WomensMarch2020 @wbaltv11 — Tre Ward (@TreWardWBAL) October 17, 2020

HAPPENING NOW: About a dozen people are marching in Battle Creek for the #WomensMarch2020 to oppose the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. They say they’re also advocating for the #BlackLivesMatter  movement and the LGBTQ+ community. @WOODTV — Dana Whyte (@dwhytereports) October 17, 2020

Notably, the official website of the Women’s March also states that it supports the Black Lives Matter movement’s call to defund the police, asserting that it is a “feminist issue” because “black, poor, immigrant and undocumented women are disproportionately targeted, abused and murdered by police.”



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