( Breitbart )

A group of rioters got behind the wheel of a car and smashed it through a store window in Los Angeles on Monday night, in the wake of an officer-involved shooting of a black man.
The incident occurred shortly after 9 PST, as the car smashed what appears to be a parking meter and was then driven directly into the storefront.
BLM rioters in Los Angeles are beginning to riot and loot tonight after a police-involved shooting of a black male. Here, they drive a car into a shoe store. #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/ch8RhgIuAN — Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 1, 2020
Hundreds of rioters turned out in the street after Black Lives Matter Los Angeles posted a tweet calling for demonstrators to assemble.
Los Angeles County Sheriffs killed a Black man…Dijon…on 109th and Budlong and left his body facedown in the dirt. We need all hands on deck. Please get here ASAP! — #BlackLivesMatter-LA (@BLMLA) September 1, 2020
The shooting occurred in the Westmont area of Los Angeles.
According to the Los Angeles Times, “Authorities said the shooting occurred at the end of a pursuit and after the man allegedly struck one of the deputies.
“Hours after the shooting, a crowd gathered at the scene and demanded answers. There were chants of ‘Say his name,’ ‘No justice, no peace’ and ‘Black lives matter.’ Some said they didn’t think the shooting was justified.”
However, a subsequent report from ABC 7 in Loss Angeles, claimed that the man who struck the officers had a gun.
{The police pursuit} began when deputies who were driving in the area saw a man riding a bicycle and decided to pull him over for a vehicle code violation in the area of 110th and Budlong. The man dropped the bike and ran off. Deputies caught up to him on 109th. At that point, they say, the man fought with the deputies and punched one of them in the face. He had been carrying some clothing in his hands and he dropped it the ground. The deputies spotted a handgun among the items of clothing he had dropped. At that point was when the shooting occurred.
ABC 7 reported that a gun was found at the scene.