( Breitbart )

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler joined a violent demonstration in his city Wednesday night at which “protesters” threw flaming bags of garbage at a federal courthouse — and where he was jeered by the crowd before being tear gassed by federal officers.
The Oregonian reported that the mayor’s appearance on the 56th night of violent “protest” in downtown Portland “attracted attention and jeers from the crowd of more than 2,000 people” at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse.
USA Today reported: “The mayor was caught in a chaotic display of violence and mayhem that began around 11:15 p.m., after some protesters threw flaming bags of garbage over a fence protecting the local federal courthouse, prompting the federal officers to fire tear gas at the crowd.”
Video shot on the scene captured Wheeler at the fence around the courthouse, with flames burning in the background:
#PortlandProtest 🏻.. le maire de la ville de #Portland, Ted #Wheeler est présent avec les manifestants…👋#USAonFire #PortlandKidnappings #BlackLivesMatter #Trump #PoliceBrutality #BLM #ViolencesPolicieres #EtatsUnis pic.twitter.com/DCMY4W0SCc — loran outan 🐒 (@loran076) July 23, 2020
Nonetheless, the Oregonian noted, the mayor, who is also the local police commissioner, had been determined to stand in solidarity with the crowd against federal law enforcement. ““The reason I am here tonight is to stand with you,” he told the crowd, the paper reported. “If they’re launching the tear gas against you, they’re launching the tear gas against me.”
Portland mayor Ted Wheeler withstands two rounds of tear gassing by federal law enforcement agents before being whisked off by his team to the city's municipal services building. #PortlandProtests pic.twitter.com/c9FmuVVhtU — Deborah Bloom (@deborahebloom) July 23, 2020
That solidarity did not win the hearts and minds of the crowd, apparently: “Protesters greeted Wheeler’s arrival at the start of the night by chanting his name preceded by an expletive. The crowd often shouted to drown out what he was saying.”
People have surrounded the mayor, cursing him and calling for resignation. pic.twitter.com/o0s1azbi2R — Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) July 23, 2020
People in the protest crowd react to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler saying he won't commit to abolishing the police. pic.twitter.com/R0bwOjaG5B — Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) July 23, 2020
Wheeler attempted to acknowledge “systematic racism” and his own “privilege,” to no avail, as one video demonstrated:
The mob turns on Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler. They demand total submission. pic.twitter.com/bXiM0lXFN8 — VoterRegistrationMD.357 (@ASimplePatriot) July 23, 2020
Later, fireworks were fired at the courthouse before the federal law enforcement officers deployed tear gas to dispel the crowd.
Meanwhile, protesters down the street have started shooting fireworks at the federal courthouse. pic.twitter.com/XVmfVI1ty5 — Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) July 23, 2020
Wheeler condemned what he called an “egregious overreaction” and blamed President Donald Trump for “urban warfare” before he was escorted to safety by his security team.
Mayor of Portland @tedwheeler joins the Federal resistance Complains about the stinging feeling of tear gas He is then attacked (see other posts) by protesters while Feds never touch him It’s hard to lie to the public when only one side attacks you pic.twitter.com/hcS4D3KVpU — ELIJAH (@ElijahSchaffer) July 23, 2020
As he left, “protesters” jeered and attempted to attack him:
Portland mayor @tedwheeler is escorted to safety by his security team. Angry protesters follow and try to assault him despite his support on the front lines of the riot. They try to go inside the building but is pushed back by Wheeler’s security. pic.twitter.com/zt8xVY1NDS — KLove (@Klove90567) July 23, 2020
Earlier, USA Today noted, Wheeler had been accused of racism: “One white mother pointed out that Wheeler only showed up to the protests after other white mothers attending the demonstrations over the weekend were tear-gassed.”
Attempted arson is not a peaceful protest. Physically attacking law enforcement is not freedom of speech. Destruction of property is not peaceful assembly. Criminals perpetrating these crimes are being arrested…not law abiding protestors. https://t.co/CvOgE8G0AP — Acting Secretary Chad Wolf (@DHS_Wolf) July 20, 2020
The mayor has opposed the presence of federal officers to protect federal property that the city has failed to protect. A federal judge heard a state motion Wednesday to remove the feds; ironically, the judge works out of that same courthouse.
Wheeler has a long history of tolerating violent left-wing “protest” in the city. In 2018, he ordered police not to protect a besieged Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in the city where “protesters” had trapped employees.