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‘Our Kids, Our Consent’: California Drag Queen Story Hour Canceled When Parents Protest


A children’s event featuring a drag queen was shut down when parents intervened on Wednesday in San Fernando Valley, California.

The Post Millennial reported Thursday the drag queen story hour was scheduled to happen at the San Fernando Library with Pickle the Drag Queen, who describes himself on Instagram as the Drag Laureate.

Video footage shows Pickle arriving at the venue, wearing a pink outfit and sunglasses. However, he is quickly surrounded by a group of adults.

One person in the crowd is holding a sign that reads, “Our Kids, Our Consent.” Later in the clip, the crowd begins chanting, “Leave our kids alone!”

According to the Millenial article, the crowd belonged to the groups called Leave Our Kids Alone and Parents’ Voices of the Glendale Unified School District. Due to their demonstration, the event was canceled.

ABC 7 described the peaceful protest as “chaos,” noting Pickle has done numerous such events but had never experienced one of them being shut down:

When speaking about drag queen story hours, Pickle claimed it is “about self-expression,” adding, “These programs are completely G-rated.”

“If they don’t want to bring their children, for whatever reason that is their right,” he added.

On Pickle’s Instagram account, video footage shows him at another drag queen story hour holding a book and singing a song about drag queens with children and other adults.

In a social media post from November 2022, Pickle said he “Read stories for kids today and will continue”:

Going to start teaching drag in high schools. Going to start teaching drag in middle schools and elementary schools and advocate for this work until it’s one of the A-G educational requirements. I am going to push drag so deep into the education system that your kids won’t be able to get into college unless they know how to pull together a lewk and werk it out at a brunch.

Social media users had a lot to say in response to the recent protest video, one person writing, “Good. More of this. Sexual exhibitionists getting off on kids is evil. Demonic.”

“Senior Citizens that NEVER get visitors are NEVER on the list for these men to visit and read to. I wonder why?” another user commented.

Breitbart News has covered extensively the issues surrounding drag queens and drag queen story hours.



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