( Breitbart )

Protesters and rioters took tumbles during Friday evening’s protests around the country, videos captured and posted online reveal.
During riots in Brooklyn, New York, over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a rioter was standing in the road when a New York City Police Department (NYPD) vehicle opened its car door to shove him out of the way.
Rioters were apparently throwing cement at the NYPD police vehicles as they drove away.
Police car just drove by demonstrators on Classon Ave in Brooklyn — some of whom had been throwing cement — and opened passenger side door into a protester. pic.twitter.com/vd8Lq60TXC — Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs (@NickAtNews) May 30, 2020
Likewise, a woman in Houston, Texas, was trampled during a protest as she held a sign, and a white police horse toppled her from behind. Protesters watching the incident immediately began throwing objects at the officers.
Dont let them tell you it was peaceful in Downtown Houston #BlackLivesMatter #GeorgeFloyd pic.twitter.com/JWuCRfdlNT — ª (@vikthewild) May 30, 2020
Riots and protests first started this week in Minneapolis as a response to resident George Floyd dying in police custody. Footage of the incident showed an officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Floyd’s neck as he laid on the ground in handcuffs.