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Driver and Antifa-BLM Protester in Armed Standoff in Eugene, Oregon


A driver and and Antifa-Black Lives Matter protester faced off against each other with drawn handguns In Eugene, Oregon Saturday night when protesters blocked a street, preventing the driver from passing through.

Video of the incident was posted to Twitter by C. Francis O’Leary, Managing Editor of the Daily Emerald. No one was shot and the impasse ended peacefully, reported O’Leary.

Headed out for another night covering the #EugeneProtests for the @DailyEmerald. Tonight's protest is at the federal couthouse in solidarity with protesters in Portland. Reporting with me will be @jwcroxton, @Lundhale and Kevin Wang. — C. Francis O’Leary (@CFrancisOLeary) July 26, 2020

“Someone in traffic apparently pulled a gun and said “get the fuck out of my way”…”Truck guy pulled his gun again, BLM protester ran up with their own gun and said drop it. (I usually avoid posting faces, but I would be negligent in my journalistic duty to modify this)…After close to a minute the truck driver drove off. I didn’t see who lowered their weapon first because I stopped recording to warn people down range from the truck driver’s barrel that they were in danger.”

Truck guy pulled his gun again, BLM protester ran up with their own gun and said drop it. (I usually avoid posting faces, but I would be negligent in my journalistic duty to modify this) — C. Francis O’Leary (@CFrancisOLeary) July 26, 2020

After close to a minute the truck driver drove off. I didn't see who lowered their weapon first because I stopped recording to warn people down range from the truck driver's barrel that they were in danger. — C. Francis O’Leary (@CFrancisOLeary) July 26, 2020

More video of the driver pulling a gun on Antifa-BLM protesters:

This motherfucker pulled a GUN and threatened to kill people because he was told to stop and not hit people. If you know him please let people know his name. He is DANGEROUS. #eugeneprotests #Eugene #oregon — kai kai (@kraiibaby) July 26, 2020 — Destiny (@windoffate) July 26, 2020

A man aims a handgun at Solidarity with Portland rally goers in Eugene, Oregon this evening. Reports say he drove a truck and brandish the firearm multiple times. (Still frame from C. Francis O'Leary's videography) #eugeneprotests #j25 #j25antifa — EUG161 (@161EUG) July 26, 2020

Earlier, as Antifa-BLM protesters were being counter-protested by All Lives Matter demonstrators, a gunshot was heard, but no one was hurt. James Crepea with the Oregonian reported the shooter was arrested.

A gun was shot into the air, causing some people to scatter. — Haley Lund (@Lundhale) July 26, 2020

There was a loud bang earlier, and I wasn't sure what it was. Now I'm getting word that it was gunshot, one fired into the air. Here's the shell casing: appears to be a 9mm. — marek (allegedly) (@mgbelka) July 26, 2020

BLM protesters shouting that ALM protesters should take the gun from the person eho fired, apparently into the air. — C. Francis O’Leary (@CFrancisOLeary) July 26, 2020

7 adults and 1 juvenile were arrested for rioting Saturday night in Eugene, EPD announces. One man fire a gun into the air amid a crowd of protestors and was later arrested. Graffiti and broken windows at EPD Auditor's offive, Wells Fargo, Whole Foods, Elkhorn Brewing (1/2) — James Crepea (@JamesCrepea) July 26, 2020

The All Lives Matter demonstrators:

Counter protesters with “All Lives Matter “ signs and American flags have shown up at the courthouse and the Eugene’s own Wall of Moms has formed in front of them. — Jordyn Brown (@thejordynbrown) July 26, 2020



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