( Breitbart )

Black progressive influencers expressed shock, outrage, and dismay at Joe Biden’s already-infamous “you ain’t black” comment Friday.
As Breitbart News reported, former Vice President Joe Biden (D) declared Friday morning that if black Americans are unsure whether to support him over President Donald Trump in the November election, “then you ain’t black.” He made the unsolicited, racially-charged remark as he departed his virtual interview with Breakfast Club co-host Charlamagne tha God.
Black authors, activists, pundits, and entertainers — including some Biden supporters — were consistently negative as they reacted over social media. Several described Biden as having a “white savior complex,” “unmitigated gall,” and “audacity” to make this rule for their racial authenticity. Others condemned the comments as “racist” and “disgusting.” Some lamented that Biden is a “demotivating candidate” who has “doomed” the country to another four years of Donald Trump.
Some of the most prominent commentators included Atlantic writer Jemele Hill, former Bernie Sanders campaign spokeswoman Briahna Joy Gray, and Ibram X. Kendi, an influential professor and author known for popularizing critical race theory in works such as How to Be an Antiracist.
i mean he wasn’t my first choice anyway and i don’t like a white savior/knight complex… im most def voting and it won’t be for that orange man but still don’t tell black voters in their face that they “ain’t black” if they don’t vote for you. pic.twitter.com/RYMWlIDJla — ryan mitchell (@TheSlayGawd) May 22, 2020
You ain’t black? WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS MAN!! — Ja'Mal Green (@JaymalGreen) May 22, 2020
Biden’s “you ain’t black” comment wasn’t even in response to a question https://t.co/fr16mnNIfn — Daniel Strauss (@DanielStrauss4) May 22, 2020
"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." – a white man who created legislation that spurred mass-incarceration in this country. — Charles Preston (@_CharlesPreston) May 22, 2020
I think it’s racist (and essentialist) to tie someone’s racial or cultural identity to their politics in any case. I disagree with Black Republicans and think they vote against our broadly shared racial interests, but they’re Black. Same with Black moderates. But they’re Black. https://t.co/avydXoIjHh — Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) May 22, 2020
Looooong sigh. White politicians should probably refrain from defining Blackness for Black people. Just a thought. — Adrianne Shropshire (@AdrianneShrop) May 22, 2020
So wait…y’all are actually telling me that Former Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. fixed his lips to say “you ain’t black” if you don’t vote for him in November during an interview on the Breakfast Club? pic.twitter.com/wPrhDSs5mO — Joi Dukes WRCB (@JoiDukesTV) May 22, 2020
thanks for this one, needed that laugh: https://t.co/KalmXMFh2E — Zaron Burnett III (@Zaron3) May 22, 2020
We're doomed. Biden, doing his best to ensure Trump gets another four years.#JoeBiden: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’ https://t.co/EtJuSAGrgj via @politico #JoeBiden2020 #Biden2020 — Lisa Armstrong (@LisaArmstrong) May 22, 2020
What’s wild is that Joe Biden had that “You Ain’t Black” line prepared. He pointed and paused like he was doing a commercial. He really thought this slapped 😂😂 pic.twitter.com/I3wu4SPpsZ — Daniel Dudley (@DDisBORED) May 22, 2020
The issue wasn’t what Joe Biden said, because it was accurate. The issue was that it came from Biden. It also was clearly a joke that didn’t land. But I’m wondering where all this outrage was yesterday when y’all president declared his public devotion to a Nazi sympathizer. — Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) May 22, 2020
Bruh…you did good the WHOLE interview then you HAD to do it didn't you… Would have been better if you randomly just had hot sauce in your purse!#biden #BreakfastClub — IG: @IAmTehran (@IAmTehran) May 22, 2020
This may the 1st time a candidate had the unmitigated gall tell Black voters out loud "you ain't Black if you don't vote for me," but it's certainly not a new concept. But it is about time to dead this forever… — Summer Lee (@SummerForPA) May 22, 2020
Apparently, Biden has yet to realize that for nearly all Black voters, Trump is not an option. Biden is not running against Trump. He’s running against himself. He’s running against his past. He running against the audacity of a White man to tell Black people who ain’t Black. — Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) May 22, 2020
Joe Biden says “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black” I still can’t believe this man ended up being the Democratic nominee. Disgusting. pic.twitter.com/1yLcP8ivnP — Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) May 22, 2020
maybe a minor distinction, but "you ain't black" wasn't a response to some question from Charlemagne. He offered it up himself https://t.co/QM38mLPZHN — Steadman™ (@AsteadWesley) May 22, 2020
“If you’ve got a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or for Trump, then you ain’t Black.” – Joe Biden Whew, I have no words. And what’s even more disgusting is we know Black people who will support this statement. I worry for us. Biden is a demotivating candidate. — Preston Mitchum (@PrestonMitchum) May 22, 2020
Biden: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." me: pic.twitter.com/LpgZE97S2t — 🌺 skkrrtt cobain (@tirhakahlove) May 22, 2020
Off the top of my head—and again I’m barely awake—but one response might have been who the f—k are you to tell anyone they ain’t Black! Or maybe wtf did you just say to me! Or You got some mf—kin nerve—get this mf—ka off the show. Cut his feed now. 🏾♀️ — Jasmyne Cannick (@Jasmyne) May 22, 2020
Whoever helped Biden with this particular interview flopped. “You ain’t black” will never bang coming from a white man’s mouth. Soz. I know your forefathers decided on the racial categories but you really have a nerve whether in jest or not. — machine gun Kele (@kelechnekoff) May 22, 2020
Y’all are so negative! You have to look on the bright side! For instance, the next time I’m stopped by cops or chased by an armed lynch mob, I’mma just stop and tell them: “Excuse me, sir. Perhaps you haven’t been informed, but Joe Biden said that I “ain’t black.” — michaelharriot (@michaelharriot) May 22, 2020