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This Woman Tried to Help a Muslim Immigrant – All of Europe Shocked by What Happened Next


Here’s more about the attack from the Daily Mail:

A 15-year-old asylum seeker living in a refugee centre in Sweden has been arrested on suspicion of murder after an employee at the shelter was fatally stabbed.

Alexandra Mezher, 22, was attacked today at around 8am at a centre for unaccompanied migrant children aged between 14 and 17 in Molndal, on Sweden’s west coast.

She was taken to Sahlgrenska Hospital but later died of her injuries.

The incident as a number of young girls said they had been sexually assaulted by young male asylum seekers at a public swimming pool in central Stockholm – while police have warned the city’s train station is ‘overrun’ by gangs of young, male migrants who are stealing and ‘groping’ women.

Sources say the 15-year-old boy was held down by other employees at the centre until police arrived.

Officers discovered a knife at the scene and cordoned off the area as they launched a murder investigation.

Miss Mezher, whose family are originally from Lebanon, had only worked at the accommodation for unaccompanied refugee children for a few months.

Her cousin described Miss Mezher as ‘an angel’ and told Swedish media: ‘It is so terrible. She was a person who wanted to do good, who wanted to be good.

‘And then he murdered her when she was doing her job. We have cried a lot. She was such a nice person, warm and happy.’

But politicians here want to bring more migrants to resettle here, and Obama actually mocked Republicans for fearing “widows and orphans” – do 15-year-old murderers count or will he ridicule that too?

( Source )

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