It is feared that missing migrant children feared being used for organ harvesting as even Muslim groups are criticising the migrant crisis for endangering lives of underage migrants.
Chairman of the Central Council of German Muslims, Aiman Mazyek, is upset at Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government and the fact that over 5000 migrant children are presumed missing in the country since the start of the migrant crisis last year.
“We must assume that many of these children and young people have fallen into criminal circles that they are forced into prostitution, or their organs were removed,” he said in a statement at a press conference where he was joined by German federal government advisor John Wilhelm Roerig who raises awareness of child sexual abuse. “The silence in the face of many missing persons can be heard very loudly,” Mazyek said, according to Die Welt.
Mr. Roerig has also been very critical of the handling of underage migrant children in asylum homes.
He said, “I have to warn you. Many alleged helpers and guards have too easy access to the children and be able to produce a closeness that can be exploited,” which also follows the various stories of migrant children being abused, most often by other migrants.
“The refugee crisis is also a crisis of refugee children,” Mr. Roerig said.
“They often have experienced terrible things and are especially needy and vulnerable.”
He proposes new measures for the German government in order to better protect children such as separate bathrooms for women and children, or having separate asylum centres entirely – a policy in many but by no means all regions in the country. The rate at which more women and children are fleeing mixed gendered housing is rising as a result of both physical and sexual violence.
Both Mr. Roerig and the Central Council of Muslims aim to take action against abuse. They have come up with specific concepts to develop protection for children that they will take to every asylum centre. This agreement will be signed off on by more than 20 organisations that work directly with child migrants.
Their first step is an informational brochure which will be published in German, Turkish, and Arabic to educate children on what constitutes abuse so they can report it and also to teach migrants that child abuse is a serious crime and not accepted in Germany.
They said that up to ten percent of migrant children will be abused and that their goal is to see a drastic decrease in the number of cases for the future.
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