Every year, the vendors in Hong Kong are out selling fast food for the New Years celebrations but this year, the government decided to stop the illegal phenomenon. Food industry inspectors arrived to evacuate the vendors alongside pro-democracy activists.
Violent clashes broke out in Hong Kong last night during an evacuation by food industry inspectors that accompanied the Police in evacuating vendors from the center of the city. The vendors refused entry to the inspectors and it very quickly developped into a massive demonstration where they threw stones and Molotov cocktails. The Police responded by firing tear gas. The riots left 44 people wounded, among them journalists, Police officers, and protesters. 23 people were arrested.
According to the reports from China, the vendors set up food stands for the New Years celebrations even though it is against government policy. Up till now, the government ignored the issue but this year, the authorities decided to put the illegal vendors out of business. Once the Police arrived in order to evacuate the vendors, masses of social activists from Hong Kong joined the vendors and they instructed the vendors to ignore the call to evacuate. "We are protecting our culture," one of the protest leaders told Reuters.
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