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Violence, repression pushing Europe toward 'civil war'


The unprecedented influx of Muslim migrants into Europe is fueling civil unrest as well as government repression directed against the native population, say experts who warn similar crackdowns on criticism of Islam could be coming to America.

In recent days, police in the Netherlands questioned and threatened to charge citizens who made Internet posts protesting government plans to resettle migrants in their communities.

In Calais, France, thousands of migrants have settled in a ramshackle settlement outside the city. Rather than removing them, the French government recently banned a demonstration by the Pegida group, which has called for resistance to Islam’s growing control over European life and the expulsion of the migrants.

A similar march planned for Birmingham, England, has been condemned by both Labour and Conservative members of Parliament for the city.

Facebook has also announced a Europe-wide campaign to eliminate the “dissemination of xenophobia, hate speech or calls of violence,” including donating more than $1 million to “anti-hate” organizations.

The German government of Angela Merkel is working with Facebook and other social media organizations to censor speech that criticizes migrants, especially after the mass sexual assaults by Muslims in Cologne and other German and European cities.

Pamela Geller, a WND columnist and a world-famous critic of radical Islam, called the decision by European governments to resort to censorship a desperate move of self-preservation.

“They have enabled the destruction of their own countries by means of their immigration policies,” she charged. “If they allow criticism of Islam, it will show the disastrous failure of their commitment to multiculturalism. They also hope that by appeasing Muslim demands, they will obviate the need for jihad, and there will be peace. But appeasement always fails.”

Geller argued European leaders really believe they can keep their own people in the dark about what is happening.

“They are supremely arrogant, and have contempt for their own people,” she charged. “They consider themselves to be an elite intelligentsia with insight greater than that of ordinary people.”

But Europeans who feel excluded from the political process are already taking to the streets.

Pegida is planning demonstrations in nations across Europe on Feb. 6. Some citizens are also forming vigilante groups to protect against crimes by migrants. A group called the “Soldiers of Odin” has begun organizing patrols in Finland. Groups are also being organized in Germany.

Geller, author of “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance,” warns if citizens are not allowed to speak their minds, the consequences will be disastrous.

“There will be civil war in Europe,” she said.

She also predicts these kinds of Orwellian tactics and bans on speech will soon be coming to America.

“Yes, it will certainly come here, as our leaders are no different,” she said. “The First Amendment is only as strong as its defenders.”

Legendary conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, a WND columnist and the author of several books including “Who Killed the American Family?” agreed with Geller’s judgment that the left would eventually find a way around the First Amendment.

“I think we’ve seen some signs of them trying to prevent anything that has any Christian religious tone to it,” she told WND. “They want to make sure you don’t say it. They also want to make sure you don’t say anything anti-Muslim.”

But Schlafly said Americans are right to be concerned about the possible consequences of Muslim immigration.

“I think we need to tell the truth about the Muslims,” she said. “We don’t want to say any bad things, but we want to tell the truth. They want to take us over. We invite people to come to this country who want to be American. I remember years ago when people were coming in, parents would tell their children, ‘Now we’re in America and we’re going to be American.’ And that’s not the attitude of the immigrants coming in today.”

Cities and towns throughout America have been targeted by the Obama administration for “refugee resettlement,” especially from Muslim nations.

Geller believes the left supports Islam even though Muslims do not share progressive beliefs when it comes to feminism or rights for homosexuals because they have a common enemy.

“Both Islam and the left hate America,” she said bluntly.

Carl Gallups, a pastor, talk-show host and author of several books including “Be Thou Prepared: Equipping the Church for Persecution and Times of Trouble,” says Christians in both Europe and America will be targeted as the power of Islam increases.

“This process of Islamization is something that’s been in the works for decades, but now it is coming to the point of fruition,” he told WND. “A nation and a civilization reaps what it sows.”

Gallups also believes censorship of anti-Islamic speech is already on its way in America.

“The activism and outrageousness that usually accompany what we are seeing in Europe have not quite reached the same stage of development here – but it’s coming,” he warned. “That is unless we turn back to God – starting in our pulpits, pews, and halls of government. This diabolic plan has been a long time in the works in America, but how can we rationally deny its presence already among us?”

Gallups alleged: “The Muslim Brotherhood has already made deep inroads into the White House and various aspects of the government. This fact has been accurately disclosed many times – to no avail.”

The pastor urged Americans to jealously guard their freedom of speech in order to avoid sharing Europe’s fate.

“The restriction and restructuring of ‘acceptable speech’ as a means of ‘controlling’ a society was a lesson learned under the Nazis,” Gallups said. “The nefarious ploy we call under the name of ‘political correctness’ is an evil envisioned by our Founding Fathers – and one which they had to tolerate under the British crown. This is the very reason the First Amendment right to freedom of speech was enshrined in the Constitution.

“But if Americans continue to give in to political correctness and allow themselves to be pushed around by the thought and speech police, than our very freedom will be gone.”

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