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Rebels in Syria gradually losing Aleppo owing to Russian assistance


A series of Russian airstrikes in Syria on Thursday had rebels battling for survival, the Washington Post has reported. With more and more territories lost on a daily basis, the rebels may soon lose control of their most strategic location, the northern-Syrian city of Aleppo – a scenario likely to mark a significant turning point in their ongoing fight.

Following the Russian attacks, pro-Assad forces were able to disconnect the rebels' main supply route, sending a new surge of refugees fleeing towards the Turkish border. The Syrian government has also captured several more villages in the countryside surrounding Aleppo, prompting fears among residents and rebels that the city could soon be entirely surrounded.

The Russian-backed onslaught against rebel positions in Aleppo coincided with the failure of peace talks in Geneva, and helped reinforce opposition suspicions that Russia and its Syrian government allies are more interested in securing a military victory over the rebels than negotiating a settlement.

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