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If Russia started a war in the Baltics, NATO would lose in 36 hours


With current force deployments, Russia could steamroll NATO forces in the Baltic states.

In the most dire scenario for NATO, Moscow would be able to conquer all the way to Estonia's capital Tallinn in 36 hours, according to a new report from the think tank RAND Corp.

The report, which attempted to answer the questions of what would happen should Russia invade the NATO-member Baltic states and what could be done to prevent such a scenario, paints an incredibly bleak picture of NATO's ability to defend its members most exposed to Russia.

Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are between Russia, Russia's principle ally, Belarus, the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, and the Baltic Sea. The three nations — with the exception of a sliver of Lithuania — lack any shared borders with fellow NATO nations.

This lack of a border, combined with the ongoing drawdown of NATO forces relative to Russia's revanchist militarism, places the three countries at substantial risk from Russian adventurism.

The RAND report, between summer 2014 and spring 2015, simulated a series of war games with military and nonmilitary experts in order to understand what would happen during a Russian invasion.

As current NATO force structures stand in Europe, RAND found that the military organization "cannot successfully defend the territory of its most exposed members." In the best-case scenarios for NATO, Russia was prevented from reaching the outskirts of the Latvian or Estonian capitals for 60 hours.

In the more dire scenarios, Russian forces were able to make it to the capitals in only 36 hours.

This report from RAND echoes similar concerns of Gen. Petr Pavel, current chairman of the NATO Military Committee. On May 27, 2015, Pavel warned that Moscow would be able to conquer the three Baltic States within two days despite their NATO membership. Pavel believed this would be largely possible because of NATO's relatively slow-moving command structure.

"On the one hand, one of [NATO's] disadvantages is its complex process of decision making. It is because NATO has 28 members who have to reach consensus on all conclusions," Pavel told Czech news site CTK.

He continued: "From the technical point of view, if I consider how many forces Russia is able to deploy in the Baltics, the size of the Baltic countries, and the density of forces on their territories, the Baltics could really be occupied in a couple of days."

Russia's ability to conquer the Baltics is because of the Kremlin's ongoing push to modernize its military in addition to a general decline in NATO's ability to defend itself.

Whereas Russia has undertaken massive pushes to modernize its fleet, with the possible outcome of denying NATO access to the Baltic Sea, and update its air force to deny the US air superiority, NATO military spending has largely fallen.

As Foreign Policy notes, the US Army has pulled two heavily armored divisions out of Germany and maintains only two in Europe at this point. And in 2015, only five NATO nations met the minimum defense-spending limit that the organization urges its members to meet.

But RAND notes that simple steps would change the calculus to enough of a degree as to prevent Russia's conquest of the Baltics. By deploying about seven brigades in Europe, NATO could ensure that it would have enough firepower to at least dissuade a Russian offensive.

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