The other day a tweet popped up on my news-feed reading “FACT: Each year, more than 30,000 American lives are cut short by guns. It’s time to #StopGunViolence. Thank you @POTUS for stepping up.” I noticed it was from professional soccer player Alex Morgan.
I scrolled a bit through her feed and it couldn’t seem more out of place. Dozens upon dozens of posts about soccer, then a pro-gun control post out of nowhere on January 5th.
As it turned out, this was a clever strategy by the administration to garner support for Obama’s executive actions. As was reported by Breitbart:
Following President Obama’s January 5 executive gun control announcement, the White House emailed “talking points” to celebrities which they, in turn, tweeted out in support of the new controls.
According to Fox News, the email said, “Below you have: short and long-term action steps, more info on POTUS’s actions, highlights from YOUR Tweets thus far (thank you!), and draft Tweets for you to build from if helpful.” It also encouraged them to use the hashtag “#StopGunViolence” and make ““make sure everyone… knows you have the President’s back.”
The email was sent by the White House Office of Public Engagement.
Here are some of the tweets the email suggested celebrities might want to send:
@POTUS is taking new commonsense steps to help #StopGunViolence.
@POTUS is taking steps to keep guns out of the wrong hands through background checks.
FACT: Each year, more than 30,000 American lives are cut short by guns. It’s time to #StopGunViolence.
FACT: Guns now kill as many people as cars in almost half of the U.S. It’s time to #StopGunViolence.
@POTUS is strengthening our background check system.
Mark Ruffalo and Ashton Kutcher tweeted out their talking points identical to the ones suggested.
Meanwhile, James Woods went ballistic on Twitter recently, blasting the President over his inability to address the American sailors who were detained after drifting into Iranian waters.
Is it really a coincidence that the celebrities who think for themselves are conservatives?
( Source )